U.S. Rep. Tim Scott’s ascension to the United States Senate will set off a vicious battle for the first congressional district seat he’s vacating. In fact we began previewing the advance jockeying for this Lowcountry, South Carolina district over a week ago when Scott emerged as the early favorite to fill the Senate seat being vacated by Jim DeMint.
Our initial list of likely candidates included fiscal conservative S.C. Senator Larry Grooms (R-Berekely) and a pair of “Republican in Name Only” State Representatives – Chip Limehouse (RINO-Charleston) and Jimmy Merrill (RINO-Daniel Island). Since that post was published, several other names have been mentioned – including former S.C. First Lady Jenny Sanford (who was also on Nikki Haley’s short list for the DeMint appointment) and Scott’s Washington, D.C. chief of staff Joe McKeown.
Charleston County Councilman Elliott Summey – who recently switched parties – is reportedly contemplating a bid for this seat, as is South Carolina’s resident “fortunate son” Carroll A. “Tumpy” Campbell III.
Others may also test the waters …
For example from the S.C. Senate there’s social conservative Chip Campsen of Charleston, while S.C. Reps. Peter McCoy of Charleston and Andy Patrick of Beaufort are also said to be considering bids.
Which of these potential candidates would be the favorite to replace Scott? And more importantly, which of them would do the best job fighting for individual freedom and pro-free market policy in Washington? Those are good questions … and we’ll seek to answer them as this field becomes more solidified over the coming days.
Jenny and Tumpy will battle for last place.
Grooms, dwarf
Limehouse, dwarf
Merrill, dwarf
Sanford, dwarfette
McKeown, idiot dwarf
Summey, fat idiot dwarf
Campbell, thought that cockroach was dead
Campsen, fucking midget
Patrick, looks too much like a grown up Eddie Munster
….. ok, who would be your choice?
Former U.S. Attorney Bart Daniel
Owb, I thought Bart lost our trust in the early 90s?
read the rules: you gotta choose.
The thought of Jenny “give-me-privacy” Sanford convening a press conference is surrealistic.
But I’d still like to hear what she has to say and I’m not closed minded. The others you mention are true assholes, especially Summey and Merrill. Grooms got through grammar school by “social promotion.”
Their proxies will be making lots of positive posts here shortly.
I would like to see a Democrat get elected.
Whoever it is: Hope they learned that GOOD Things come to those who are TRULY CONSERVATIVE…(See Tim Scott)…
The Low Country does have an integrity problem…as showcased by the Sanford disgrace…
Will be difficult to get a REAL Conservative from there…
Sanford is NOT from the Low Country. He isn’t even from SC. He was born in another state and went to Furman. That means he ain’t narive just like Davis. carpetbaggers all.
You have an integrity problem, but that hasn’t stopped you.
opps. that is native not narive.
It is NOT Tim Scott’s House Seat. It is the people’s seat. A similar pet peeve is calling a former elected official by the former position’s name (e.g., calling Mark Sanford “Governor”). I know it’s common parlance, but it is done to kiss XXX in exchange for favors.
We have far to much Republican control in this state. Fundamentally, we are designed around a two party system. South Carolina has forgotten this concept and has left themselves in a horrible position.
You left out recently elected State Sentor Paul Thurmond,who was the runnerup to Scott,in 2010.
If he runs,he will be a formidable candidate.
Formidable in this state? Formidable, just means, he is between ethics violations and being arrested.
Still beating up women Will Folks? Next time you do, give me a call, and you can try that shit with me.
(Columbia) September 28, 2005 – Former gubernatorial spokesman Will Folks has pleaded guilty to criminal domestic violence in a Columbia court.
The 31-year-old Folks was arrested in July and accused of shoving his fiancee, Ashley Smith, into furniture during a heated argument. A week after Folks was arrested, he denied accusations that he shoved her.
Folks received a 30-day suspended sentence, meaning he will avoid jail time as long as he stays out of trouble for the next six months. He also was ordered to attend anger management classes and not to contact his ex-fiance Ashley Smith.
Which one will be the first to say he prayed over it and God told him to run?
For everyone who is upset with the people who run, why vote Republican in the first place!?
Limehouse criticized over airport board appointment – Post and Courier headline today.
It says:
The controversy over the appointment came not long after Limehouse, the aviation commission’s chairman, tried to have airport director Susan Stevens report directly to him. He also is facing a lawsuit challenging whether his service on that board violates the state’s ban on dual office-holding.
Adding to the heat is that both Limehouse and Stavrinakis often are mentioned as candidates for higher office, from the 1st Congressional District seat to the 2015 Charleston mayoral race.
Final word is by a reader:
Comments { 1 }
Glenda Miller
12/17/12 at 09:48 AM
I appreciate Chip’s openness about his lack of ethics. It’s like he is building a case against himself.
Limehouse was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, works for his father, and has more conflicts of interest than Doans has pills.
I like the idea of a moderate democrat.
Stavrinakis sounds good to me.
Why has Mark Sanford been silent? Any comments on who he thought should have appointed?
Why has Mark Sanford been silent? Any comments on who he thought should have been appointed?
Mark who?
My ears are ringing now, anyone else?
That is an extremely moderate Democrat. It would do wonders for the reputation of this state to offer up something outside of Clyburn. When the other states look at South Carolina, all they see, is gerrymandered districts to place all minority votes centered on Clyburn essentially. Not a very aesthetically pleasing image to the rest of the nation.
Clyburn is THE FACE of democrat politics…
Race, Gender, Class, Sexual Preference is all they see.
Character, Truth, Honesty and Competence means NOTHING to the left….
Unless the demcorats Cheated Nov 6 (very possible) I don’t see how you can win Nationally again w/o a very slick black candidate…
Contrary to the media’s proclaimations of invincibility, Yall have painted yourself into a corner, where your selfish special intrests will respond, only if they can get special faors and hand-outs that screw decent and contributing Americans…
Will Folks is now saying he slept with Tim Scott. What will this 5’8 balding little man we call “Sic Willie” say next?
Has Andre Bauer bought a house there yet?
He owns one on or around Myrtle Beach I believe.
BigT, I fail to see the truth in your previous statement. The Republicans are guided by lobbies of major corporations and the NRA. We all have special interests in politics. The main problem for Democrats is centered around constituency. When Democrats channel through both rural and urban areas and reach out to the lost voters the Republican Party will become obsolete. If you think that the Republican agenda is centered upon the belief structure, you are dead mistaken. Perhaps in SC the ability for Republican politics to go on as usual is effective but nationally you have a blending and centering of the electorate. Regardless of Race, Religion and Sex, Democrats understandably hold the newer generation. The day of the good ole’ boys has long since passed.
Thinker: Racism and Hate, like all immoraility, will collpase upon itself…(see KKK)….
You are riding high right now. The GOP put up another luke-warm moderate and the media supressed opposition vote by covering up so much regarding Obama…You likely rigged votes, too…
But there will no blaming Bush by 2016, and I just don’t see another Black candidate as slick, and deceitful as Obama…And w/o a gimmick Black to sell…you will have bigtime turnout problems…
Also: Corporations are WORKING people. And the ‘lobbyists’ are just fighting for the rights of us ALL that you are trying to steal…and those rights coincide w/ Conservative values and the US Constitution…
BigT, lets be truthful here… You follow the Citizens United decisions using the ideal that corporations are people too? If so, that opens it up! These working people you speak of, may or may not have the same opinions as the corporation great. Voter ID will help suppress the vote (even though I am a fan of Voter ID for another reason.) Lets slowly try and decipher your failed ideal of lobbyists. They are great and I love their history. Also, how they use to visit Grant in the hotel lobby in DC. However, I do not like the fact they hand millions to congressional representatives and sway the votes away from their constituencies. Lets be honest here BigT, your ideals of politics aren’t a vast encyclopedia of knowledge. The GOP put up the candidate your party voted for I can’t change that. Your best option was John Huntsman but he wasn’t right wing enough for the base. (Personal problem within the GOP.) To be honest Obama is no more deceitful than your falsified image of Reagan. (He did raise taxes 28 times, didn’t do anything about Lebanon and the marines making Benghazi look like a joke.) The Republican party has a demographic and generational problem. You have been in South Carolina far to long to see the nation isn’t following SC, it left it behind.
Voter ID gets me one step closer to internet voting.
How bout one of them black folks in Glenn McConnell’s slave photo?
….. they’re already working
Who is already working? That is a very ambiguous statement.
….. just making a joking remark to Stonewall’s comment about a photo McConnell must have – my immediate thought was if this photo exists (without my knowing how the “slaves” are portrayed) he may have it to give himself some feeling of empowerment – and what if it is a group photo of some of his fellow legislators?
I would think the picture would be more consistent with a “menstrual show.” Not a very funny joke regardless. Tim Scott will sadly, just be another party line Republican. I miss the moderates in politics. People talk about Blue Dog’s and RINO’s like they are a bad thing. Truth is, moderates are what makes this great country operate. Nothing gets done with a bunch of A type ideologues.
Yes (wringing hands), I miss the moderates too. Pelosi, Reid, Schumer, Wasserman Shultz, Rangel, Maxine Waters, Nadler, Alan Grayson…yeah, that’s a bunch who could use some moderation.
Don’t look at just the Democrat side, Republicans are even more apt to be a felon of throwing their moderates away.
I wish racial jokes would stay out of the public forum in general.
How long until Andre Bauer moves and announces his run?
Senator John Kuhn! The most conservative choice. Period.
and murmurings of Leon Stavarnakis and Vic Rawl jumping into this special election…
No Tumpy Please!
Teddy Turner is running as a Republican.
I thought it was “Tump Tump” WTF?
Why not Thad Viers?
Paul Thurmond not getting in?