
John Boehner’s Latest “Deal”

ANOTHER TAX HIKE OFFER MADE TO BARACK OBAMA You can’t negotiate with terrorists, people … especially class warfare terrorists who are hellbent on redistributing wealth on a massive scale. Yet for reasons surpassing understanding, U.S. Speaker John Boehner (RINO-Ohio) is still attempting to negotiate with U.S. President Barack Obama on…


You can’t negotiate with terrorists, people … especially class warfare terrorists who are hellbent on redistributing wealth on a massive scale. Yet for reasons surpassing understanding, U.S. Speaker John Boehner (RINO-Ohio) is still attempting to negotiate with U.S. President Barack Obama on the “fiscal cliff.”

Boehner’s latest offer?  A new tax hike on millionaires that would be levied on top of the $800 billion in tax increases he’s already proposed.  And yes … these are the so-called “Republican” proposals we’re talking about.

So … will Obama take Boehner’s latest deal (which pushes the GOP tax hike proposals over $1 trillion)?  Of course not.  Obama wants to go over the fiscal cliff – and if he doesn’t get everything he’s demanding, that’s exactly what’s going to happen.

In addition to $1.6 trillion in tax hikes, Obama is insisting Congress give him unilateral authority to raise America’s debt ceiling any time he wants – by any amount he wants.  In other words he’s seeking a blank check to pursue precisely the same policies that have landed our nation in its current morass.

Insanity … and rather than standing firm against this nonsense, “Republicans” are caving at every turn.


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Frank Pytel December 17, 2012 at 6:26 am

You know, this is news for what reason?

Have a Great Day!! :) There won’t be many left with the Demlicans and Republicrats in charge.

Frank Pytel

Smirks December 17, 2012 at 8:35 am

He shouldn’t take the offer. What he is asking for is very simple: let the tax cuts expire for the rich. If nothing is done, he’ll just switch to asking for tax cuts for the working class after we are over the cliff.

“That durn turrist, class-warfarin’ socialist commie and them evil librul Democrats, actin’ like they won the election or somethin’! How DARE they demand Republicans to do something a majority of Americans want to happen? How DARE they demand to end something that helped create deficit spending? How DARE they not give Republicans everything they ask for like good little spineless morons?”

If Republicans would just give this shit up, give Obama what he’s asking for and let the Bush tax cuts expire for those over $250k in income, and in turn focus their energy to demand he make spending cuts that we also need, we’d be in much better waters. But hey, while I’m in fantasy land, might as well ask for ending corporate welfare, the two wars, closing Gitmo, stop blowing shit up in Pakistan via drones, and trim down defense spending to much more manageable levels.

But no, the Regressive party is still up to its old shit. Obama says “Forward?” Let’s go backwards!

? December 17, 2012 at 9:54 am

Hmmmm…..getting a bit less partisan and a bit more radical.

You seem to wear the new look well Smirks. Kudos to you.

james the foot soldier December 17, 2012 at 8:48 am

Our Nobel “Peace” Prez just sent another boatload of American soldiers to yet another Middle Eastern sand dune, just in time for his annual frolick on the beaches of Hawaii.

Yes we can!

Scooter December 17, 2012 at 8:26 pm

Believe you describe the Repubs when you use the words “terrorist” and “class warfare”. Get your facts straight. Otherwise, have a good day.


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