SC Guns Gone Wild!
… AND WHY THAT’S A GOOD THING We were recently forwarded a tip from one of our anonymousYou must Subscribe or log in to read the rest of this content.
We were recently forwarded a tip from one of our anonymous
Peeps were 4 deep at the counter buying guns at Academy Sports in Greenville yesterday.
I was in line.
“Consider this: If the federal government can run guns, if state government can cough up our bank info to the mob and if local government can rob us blind by rigging elections … then it seems to us that private citizens are perfectly within their rights when it comes to conducting transactions like these.”
This is not the point. According to the second amendment, unappended by the supreme weenies, if it can be made it should be purchasable by a citizen of the US. There is no need to track the gun. Track the felon instead.
Have a Great Day!! :) There won’t be many left with the Demlicans and Republicrats in charge.
Frank Pytel
I fully agree with the editorial. It may have been better to just let this story remain in the background rather than airing it, but I do concur.
Right On!
I got a letter a few months ago from DOR requesting I pay sales tax on something I bought in another state and had shipped to my house. Then they sent out another letter later estimating the value of what I hadn’t paid nor responded to. Patiently awaiting the third letter asking me why I hadn’t paid SC sales tax on something purchased in another state. I might respond if they decide to send me something certified.
The NRA has named their 2012 Gun Salesman of the year. Barak Obama who is a repeat award winner which he won in 2008.
supposed to be + infinity. Stew Pee PC
Do we REALLY want ANYONE (Read this as Thugs, gangbangers and drug addicts) buying guns at gun shows without ANY checks or balances?
For that is currently what is possible. ANYONE can sell to ANYONE at a gun show as long as they are not a licensed dealer.
I fully realize the slippery slope of gun control, but as I once read, “I should be able to buy whatever and however many guns I want, but I really don’t want “them” to EVER have a gun”.
If the fracking commie judges (criminal and civil) would enforce the law as written instead of asking what the definition of “is” is then the thugs and gangbangers would not be around.
As for drug dealers, this is antiquated criminal code. It should be erased from the books. I don’t care if some moron wants to stick a needle in his/her body. If they damage something they are guilty of vandalism. If they kill someone they are guilty of murder. Problem solved.
Have a Great Day!! :) There won’t be many left with the Demlicans and Republicrats in charge.
Frank Pytel
At this point does it really matter? I believe there are more guns in this country than people. Stopping one person, in the big picture, really is meaningless. Do you think those who can’t buy guns legally don’t buy guns?
Here is another source of overlooked, mismanaged revenue:
Housing crisis.
Anyone heard of MERS?
MERS is an electronic registration system. It CANNOT by law OWN property, however, a large number of soon to be foreclosed homes in South Carolina are currently being held by MERS and no tax recording has been done on any of these properties in this state in oh say the past ten years or so.
Guns, homes, whatever.
So many gun owners are immature (and young) people with chips on their shoulders and trousers south of the bootie. Scary ’cause these kids don’t know who needs killing and who don’t.
Question: Isn’t it the law that Congress must submit a balanced budget every year?
Can I sue Congress and the President for dereliction of duty?
Is a tax maybe an infringement to ownership?
Try not paying your real property tax and see how long you own your house.
Our Funding Editor continues her request from sic(k) willie for some transparency about his gun ownership.
Since he has a conviction for CDV, the Lautenberg Amendment applies to sic(k) willie. Right, sic(k) willie?
So, sic(k) willie, do you still have a gun? What about that .22?
Why don’t you come find out if I have a gun?
Bravo, FITS…you’re growing a SET. Stand up to these Punk Liberals….
They stole an election, and they want to take our country…and mold into to the USSR…
Show them REAL Americans Don’t Play that…no matter what MSNBC and CNN tell these good-for-nothing dolts…
…… perhaps someone will propose legalizing dueling again?
Nah – disregard previous post.
bin is a pansy ass,do you believe people convicted of domestic violence cant carry guns,you are way off base,the 2nd amendment says and always will say kick in my my door and leave on your back,i will be tried by 12 than carried by six,pussy ass!
John Public when you buy a firearm it asks right there on the application if you have ever been convicted of CDV. Of course you can lie about it and falsify the information and take a chance. The penalties are stiff. Or you can have someone else buy the firearm for you which is called a “straw purchase” and the penalties are even stiffer.
Of course being a dumb ass none of this applies to you. Life is tough and its even tougher when you are stupid, John Public.
no you are the dumb ass,missing the whole point of the article,fucking idiot,probly one of those who scream domestic violence to get them arrested…untill paidday,bitch,can you read
I read better than you type.
Yes, but he clearly has a better understanding of the constitution than you, Judy.
Have a Great Day!! :) There won’t be many left with the Demlicans and Republicrats in charge.
Frank Pytel
Don’t pay, they will get their money. Through income tax lien or other wage garnishment. You owe the tax. Pay up.
The point of the article is that SCDOR is incompetent by not following up on a formal complaint and the state is missing out on millions of dollars a year in tax revenue that we so desperately need. This has nothing to do with gun ownership. Idiots.
More guns…and TAX free…Good…I Totally agree w/ FITS…
If Obama Collapses the economy (and the GOP Congress should allow that) Let Obama OWN his Incompetence….Guns will be Very needed to people who have worked, and have something to defend…
Obama is Bleeding wealth, trying to direct to his GREEDY, lazy Government…
When he has nothing to pay off the Thugs and Idiots who voted for him…You’ll need your gun and LOTS of Ammo…
Ahh the village idiot lives and breathes..i thought those years of telling everyone how they are all dumbasses and going to get their asses handed to them at the elections only to be proven the village idiot, our own little Sarah Palin all over again..time after time after time yo have proven what a clueless ignorant redneck asshole you are..glad to see you are keeping the tradition rolling Sarah. Every site needs an idiot who is ALWAYS wrong..and we got you.
But I’m not an Anti-American, Obama-Worhiping BIGOT RACIST like you and the Stupid Pieces of $#!* who voted to keep the Hand-outs and Freebies coming, until it Collpases…
And I hope the F%^k you come trolling ’round my house when you good-for-nothing bums figure out Obama has nothing, except what he takes from us…and we have STOPPED propping up his lazy, ignorant ass..
You can vote Stupid in, if you are stupid…but the Earners can always figure out a way to kick your @$$ in the end..or we would not be where we are…
By the same token: The Beggars will have no plan when it runs out…and that’s why you are where you are…you’ll be SCREWED…and Obama will LHAO at your ignorance…
still the village idiot..roflmao..and trying to sound threatening at the same time..precious…the little troll is gonna pop a cap in some
I worry that Obama has had a degenerative effect on our populace at large. He has so wantonly disregarded our laws and the constitution that even conservatives and/or libertarians think it is ok with the right justification. With all the negative things that have been happening in our national political arena I have been reading a lot on our founding, the Declaration, the Constitution, The Federalist Papers and several books on Abraham Lincoln. A quote from Lincoln I think appropriate to the present conversation, and I paraphrase, any law should be enforced even if it is a bad law. For if we ignore any law for an assumed good reason any law can be ignored, better to repeal a bad law than to ignore one.
Most, if not all firearms laws are bad and worthless, especially for their intended purpose. No law will ever keep a firearm from a criminal’s hands it can only keep it from a law abiding citizen’s hands. If the law is bad it should be repealed. To ignore a law is to bring contempt for all laws and then it isn’t that far really until we reach anarchy. I have heard some say that would be fine but it wouldn’t.
It is a bald-faced LIE to label these sales between private individuals as “unlicensed gun dealers” rather than what they factually are – private transactions between individuals who are not (and never pretended to be) “gun dealers.”
No “taxes” are owed to the SCDOR if I attend a fishing show & convention, and while there I sell my fishing rod to another fisherman who attends. That does not make me an “unlicensed sporting-goods dealer” I don’t care if I sell 5 or 10 of my private collection. It is my RIGHT to buy & sell anything I own to anyone I care to sell it to, and it is NONE of the government’s damn business to stick its nose into that transaction.
This complainant is basically a whiner who cannot stand that there does exist a LEGAL secondary market for these completely lawful objects we call guns. So sad, too bad, tough noogies for him.
These are merely anti-gun zealots who are seeking to make certain NO ONE will ever be allowed to buy or sell a gun privately (ie NOT from a store) unless the damn government tracks it. The only reason to track such sales is so that all of them can be rounded up once a nazi-style universal gun ban can be enacted.
You clearly don’t understand. This is not about private sales. This is dealers that buy at wholesale from distributors and resell to the public as a business but they are not reporting the sales or income and have no license. You sir are a complete and utter moron.