SC Senator Probing Data Breach

KEVIN BRYANT WANTS ANSWERS – NOT EXCUSES – FROM NIKKI HALEY S.C. Senator Kevin Bryant (R-Anderson) isn’t buying what Gov. Nikki Haley is selling … In the wake of an unprecedented state-level security breach, Bryant is questioning the excuses that have been pouring out of the Haley administration.  In fact…


S.C. Senator Kevin Bryant (R-Anderson) isn’t buying what Gov. Nikki Haley is selling …

In the wake of an unprecedented state-level security breach, Bryant is questioning the excuses that have been pouring out of the Haley administration.  In fact he’s heading up a new panel that’s been charged with investigating last month’s breach at the S.C. Department of Revenue (SCDOR) – which resulted in the loss of 3.8 million Social Security numbers, nearly 400,000 debit and credit card numbers and tax information for as many as 650,000 South Carolina businesses.

“This committee is committed to digging as deep as necessary to find out what happened and what we need to do moving forward,” Bryant wrote in a recent email.

Haley thus far has refused to take responsibility for the breach – choosing instead to offer a parade of demonstrably flimsy excuses wrapped around an ever-shifting narrative.

“The facts surrounding this incident seem to change too frequently,” Bryant wrote in his email.  “We first were told that this was an international criminal and had nothing to do with internal activities or policy, but then we learned that the data was accessed with SCDOR employee credentials.”

Bryant also directly challenged Haley on her claim that “nothing could have been done” to prevent the breach.

“We were told that SCDOR could have done absolutely nothing differently to protect us,” he writes.  “We then found out, though, that not only was our data not encrypted but also that SCDOR refused a free data monitoring service offered by the state’s IT department.  When I asked the SCDOR director how much encryption would have cost, he replied ‘not very much.’  I am very displeased that we continually are discovering that not only could more have been done but also that it would have been at minimal, if any, cost.”

“Failure to do everything possible to protect taxpayer data simply is inexcusable,” Bryant added.

Bryant has attempted to get to the bottom of scandals in the Haley administration in the past – and been told to back off.

Let’s hope he is able to get to the bottom of this one without similar threats from the governor’s office.  More importantly, let’s hope that Haley eventually stops lying and obfuscating about this debacle – and finally takes responsibility (cue laughter).

No one has talked more about “accountability” in government than Haley.  It’s frankly past time she showed South Carolinians that she knows what it means.


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fiddler84 November 12, 2012 at 9:40 am

just a question of substance, I know they have set up the free identity protection, but I’ve heard mixed reports as to whether it is protection just for one year, or protection for life. Getting beside the point that our state shouldn’t be having to pay for identity protection but for the fact that we currently have an administration that is more concerned with national lime light than state citizen protection, does anyone know which amount of protection we actually got? looked all over, and I can’t find anything.

Smirks November 12, 2012 at 10:30 am

I’ve heard protection for life as well, but I have no clue as to how it continues on past the 1 year that they said we would get. I used the “scdor123” code to sign up for the protection but I have literally no clue if it will expire a year from now or not. If it does expire, do I have to sign up again? Will the same code work? Do I have to call the number and talk to someone if it doesn’t? Will they know in advance that people are supposed to be covered or will they scratch their heads and not have any clue, thus resulting in a chain of being forwarded to various people and being on the phone for hours?

It makes no sense.

Bemused November 12, 2012 at 11:19 am

The monitoring service lasts one year. “Fraud resolution assistance” lasts a lifetime. However, there has been no clarity on what this assistance includes — probably just someone telling you that you need to write the credit card company and get them to remove the account, which is something we already know.

insider November 12, 2012 at 9:54 am

A person from Bamberg told me that due to feeling racial prejudice as a child, that she would do anything in her power to hurt SC and it’s people. You know, revenge. Looks like that Bamberger might have been on to something.

Observant November 12, 2012 at 9:59 am

But, according to Time Magazine (latest issue, near back of magazine) there is a full page picture, where they have listed her as a potential presidential candidate for 2016.

Maybe she is just practicing how to lie to “the people” while she’s governess.

(Don’t we ALL know she can beat Hillary ???)

insider November 12, 2012 at 10:13 am

Yeah, didn’t she pay for that to be run? Wouldn’t be the first time, now would it? No shame.

Saratay November 12, 2012 at 10:01 am

Where is the Aristocracy when we really need it to govern?

junior justice November 12, 2012 at 10:18 am

She already thinks and acts as a “Queen”.

junior justice November 12, 2012 at 10:19 am

Don’t forget about “Prince Michael”.

Queen Jean November 12, 2012 at 11:47 am

I’m doing all I can, lowly subject. I ignore the rules of court when it pleases me. I have seized Richland County so I can rule as I please. I lie when it’s to my benefit. I have published rules concerning controlling and disciplining my subject judges and lawyers, but only use them when I want to do so and when it suits my needs. I’m getting there. Be patient. JHT.

Smirks November 12, 2012 at 10:24 am

S.C. Senator Kevin Bryant (R-Anderson) isn’t buying what Gov. Nikki Haley is selling …

Judging from Exotica’s “success,” I don’t think anyone ever has bought what Haley has been selling.

The Coast November 12, 2012 at 3:37 pm

Now that is classic. Well said.

Upstater November 12, 2012 at 10:25 am

Nikki Haley has focused her media releases related to this matter on finding the hacker who accessed and stole the SCDOR data. She wants us to think that she is protecting us by tracking down the culprit. Finding the hacker in no way helps restore our identification security. Our data has long since been copied/replicated and stored in many online places, and most likely has been sold to many other people.

All resources should be devoted to securing IT systems across all state agencies and departments (not just SCDOR) and none spend tracking down the hacker.

I would like to know exactly what data was accessed. If it is tax return data, that includes SSN, full name, DOB, address, bank account and routing number (if you used DD for a refund) and more – not just SSN as mainstream media has reported. Pretty much the best (and only) way to protect yourself is to place a credit freeze on your credit information. That, and move to a different address and change your bank account information. 1 year of “protection” isn’t of much value in the long run.

Andy November 12, 2012 at 10:34 am

Another Republican on Republican investigation. We know the drill. Can’t wait to hear how this one clears the Haley administration of any incompetence, malfeasance or mismanagement.

followup question November 12, 2012 at 10:36 am

Here’s the followup question Sen. Bryant should have asked the SCDOR director:

“Would encryption have prevented this breach?”

Answer: Probably not. The intruder had a valid SCDOR employee credential and that employee had access to the data as part of his or her job. Even if the data had been encrypted, the employee had the authority to view the unencrypted data.

Ryan November 12, 2012 at 10:37 am

Since it has not been made clear whether or not citizens are covered past one year, I think it’s imperative for someone in the legislature to annually fund a $12 million expenditure in the budget to take care of paying for this debacle going forward.

oldman November 12, 2012 at 10:45 am

If Haleys office tells him to back then we the voters say to him to tell Haley and her high school staff to FUCK OFF!!!

stfu November 12, 2012 at 10:59 am

Problems like these need real experts, just like the Pension scandal.

The Status Quo will never allow experts to help the State in this, just like the Pension problem can only be solved by real experts. Real truth is never allowed to see the light of day.

The Pension problem is a 11.6 Billion shortfall that is growing every day. And still no serious discussions.

This security problem still exists today in a variety of agencies.

To fix it, you will have to spend a lot of money, a lot of money.

Maybe 150 million internally to start.

Years of silos and bullshit contracts has led you to this.

To the folks that monitor this site for the B and C mandarins.

This is not as serious as the Pension scandal, but it more easily
understood by the common voter. So you better get some real help.

Johnson November 12, 2012 at 11:49 am

I’m still waiting on the return phone call to my 3 calls made 6 weeks ago wondering where the hell the SCDOR came up with some bogus “estimated tax” notice they sent me. That 898-**** number is a joke.

Silvio Dante November 12, 2012 at 12:05 pm

Andy is correct, even though we can hope. I love how she tried to be tough, that she wants the hacker slammed against a wall.

She’s trying to be Chris Christie, but her administration comes off with more of an Agatha Christie feel.

cunning cat November 12, 2012 at 12:26 pm

Kevin Bryant couldn’t investigate himself out of a wet paper bag. He is also a stooge to Gov. Haley. He has a jawbone but no backbone.

Legitimate Rape November 12, 2012 at 12:51 pm

Have no fear, citizens of SC, Ex Senator John Hawkins is representing us.

Todd November 12, 2012 at 1:55 pm

But she is really good at posting song lyrics all day on Facebook.

jimlewis,owb November 12, 2012 at 2:15 pm

Senator Kevin Bryant

Ex Senator John Hawkins

Give me a minute while I decide which the shiniest of two turds.

insider November 12, 2012 at 2:43 pm

Is it possible that the Guv. was directly involved in the breach?

marty November 12, 2012 at 10:45 pm

If the high heel fits.

SparkleCity November 12, 2012 at 3:04 pm

Sic ’em Hawkins!!!!!!!!!

Burn Witch Burn!!!!!!!

Patriot November 12, 2012 at 3:52 pm

The only person who will benefit is Hawkins. Liability payments are capped against SC.

insider November 12, 2012 at 3:20 pm

It would be interesting to find out who told her about an international, sophisticated hacker. Or did she just make that part up, kind of like the non-existent beauty pageant disqualification?

Ralph Hightower November 12, 2012 at 3:37 pm


Don’t forget that Governot Nikki Haley also campaigned on transparency in government. However, it appears that Governot Haley only wants transparency in the General Assembly and none in the Governor’s office.

billy November 12, 2012 at 3:53 pm

The Senate needs to investigate the DOR IT Dept and Internal Audit procedures.

hhuuhh?? November 12, 2012 at 3:55 pm

Does anyone know anything about this James Etter who is head of SCDOR?
The website has the most vague work history I have ever seen.
The thing I know is that if he had any honor, he would have already resigned. But, I guess honor in any Haley appointee is more than likely non-existent.

insider November 12, 2012 at 4:42 pm

Is this the same J. Etter who was the registered agent for Norco Equipment? And, prior to that, Recycling Management Corp.? Afetr Celmson, Haley claimed to have worked for a recycling co. There may be more to Mr. Etter than meets the eye.

Inspector Clouseau November 12, 2012 at 4:53 pm

I joined life lock ultimate for $250.00 per year, I did not have. I’ve been out of work for 2 years; but cannot afford to lose anymore. I DO NOT trust one thing this woman says or does and will continue to lie, cheat and steal from all of us and obviously her husband too.
Cannot wait to vote for her opponent or opponets!


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