The Associated Press: “100 Percent” Wrong

 WIRE SERVICE MUFFS CALL IN S.C. HOUSE RACE With “100 percent” of precincts reporting on election night, Democrat Joe McCulloch defeated Republican Kirkman Finlay in the race for S.C. House District 75 – according to the Associated Press. In fact the AP gave McCulloch a 53-47 percent electoral edge in…


With “100 percent” of precincts reporting on election night, Democrat Joe McCulloch defeated Republican Kirkman Finlay in the race for S.C. House District 75 – according to the Associated Press.

In fact the AP gave McCulloch a 53-47 percent electoral edge in its final calculations – not to mention a little red “check mark” beside the liberal trial lawyer’s name.

Take a look …

Naturally, these results were viewed as immutable.  In fact just hours before the polls closed in South Carolina, AP correspondent Meg Kinnard boasted of her agency’s race-calling prowess.

“This is how AP rolls,” Kinnard tweeted, sending her followers a promotional video that bragged about the wire service’s ability to accurately call races “all the way down to state legislature.”

Hmmmm …

The only problem?  Joe McCulloch didn’t win … he lost to Republican Kirkman Finlay by a little more than 265 votes.  The final tally?  6,771 votes for Finlay (or 2,477 more than the AP said he got) compared to 6,506 votes for McCulloch (or 1,628 more than the AP said he got).

In other words the AP’s “100 percent” claim was 100 percent inaccurate … not unlike its South Carolina political reporting.

Remember, this is the news outlet that recently cleared S.C. House Speaker Bobby Harrell of any wrongdoing in a major campaign reimbursement scandal – even though Harrell had already effectively admitted his guilt by returning $23,000 worth of his ill-gotten gains.


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BigT November 8, 2012 at 11:51 am

The media Will ALWAYS report what they HOPE happens…not the Truth…

If they would have reported one-tenth about the DISASTER Obama is…that Stupid son of a B!^*%4 would be back in
Hawaii pontificating about the virtues of Communism…

Instead they hid Libya, the economy and the aftermath of the Sandy Debacle…While Sliming Romney because he is not @$$-Backwards…

FITS: You are just as Corrupt-Negligent.. as they are… quit trying to point a finger…

Isotope Soap November 8, 2012 at 11:59 am

You and the GOP need to worry about what or who the fuck you’re going to be next election…you guys have more personalities than Sybil.

Nölff November 8, 2012 at 12:02 pm

The Drudgerport jumped the gun last Tuesday and said that Mitt won. FOX refused to believe Obama was re-elected. Which “media” are you talking about?

U mad bro?

Robert November 8, 2012 at 12:13 pm

I listened to Beck & Coulter just crucify Christie today. It was mostly Beck but she was yucking it up too.

Both say they need to get the whackos out of the GOP as candidates (like Akin). But they both say GOP should not get more moderate. It should be more hard line.

Well go ahead….and see where that gets you in 2016.

BigT November 8, 2012 at 12:27 pm

Christie needs to file his paperwork for the democrat party…that FAT Son a B$%tch is done calling himself a Republican…He will be fine running as a democrat…or his career is over…

And I hope that Dolt gets blamed for the DISASTER after Sandy…since he was sucking off Obama, claiming all was Well…

What a F&*kin Idiot…

Isotope Soap November 8, 2012 at 12:38 pm

Bachmann, Santorum, Gingrich, Perry…over Huntsman? Like that old mechanic: “I think I see your problem, Ma’am.”

President Santorum November 8, 2012 at 12:44 pm

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Shallow T, that’s awesome. You couldn’t pick a winner in the primary or general if you tried, and now you dump Christie, someone you once dry humped as presidential timber.

Good to know that you agree with two irrelevant wack-jobs in Beck and Coulter. The three of you know nothing about public service. Christie did and continues to do a great job.

And speaking of F&*kin Idiots…you spent the last few months distubringly promoting Mitt Romney, who may be as liberal as his buddies in Mass.

Thought you were going to go away if Obama won, but you can stay and continue to be the state’s #2 hypocrite (#1 is the Little Girl who will be replaced in 2 years).

Smirks November 8, 2012 at 12:52 pm

Chris Christie is actually a pretty solid Republican. Despite the fact that he has severely trolled the liberals of his state, he’s shown some decency in defending a Muslim judge from his own party’s frothing-at-the-mouth talking heads and bigots. The fact that he would actually congratulate Obama on doing ANYTHING flies in the face of Fox News and friends’ personal mission to find the speck of dirt on everything.

That is why it makes you mad, because Obama could pull a child out of a burning building and dumbshits like Big(o)T would complain that he couldn’t save the building too. You are incapable of seeing anything positive that the president has done, even one thing, because your pea brain can’t accept thinking outside of the echo chamber you have sealed it in.

tomstickler November 8, 2012 at 11:55 am

Any election result in South Carolina has to be based on faith in the iVotronic systems that cannot be verified.

jimlewis,owb November 8, 2012 at 11:55 am

Think it is about time you devote some attention to the Star Stuff Section.

If you happen to do so, please do not post any more pictures of Tammy Faye Baker’s bastard child.

Lenny November 8, 2012 at 12:42 pm


? November 8, 2012 at 12:46 pm

Ha! OWB hits one out of the park again.

Bill November 8, 2012 at 12:30 pm

Joe was ahead until some 267 uncounted absantee votes were suddenly found. All 267 were for Kirkman, and Joe got 0000.

That is statistically almost impossible. 267 votes and not 1 vote for Joe. That certainly smells like a big old rotten RAT.

The court should throw all of those found 267 ballots out, or call for another election.

Indy November 8, 2012 at 2:10 pm

That is particularly true because several voters have come forward to show that they voted for McCulloch.

President Santorum November 8, 2012 at 12:46 pm

So we take the little red “check mark” beside the liberal trial lawyer’s name away and put it next to the Rich Boy Faux Farmer’s name?

BigT November 8, 2012 at 12:54 pm

LMAO…Liberal Dumb@$$#$ ranting about Cheating…

You Ignorant Pieces of $#!& cheated (through the media) to put the WORST president ever back in office….

I think That Befuddled Dumb@$$ Obama could not believe he won, considering his Record of Failure….

He was ready to take his Lazy, doltish Golf-Playin’ @$$ back to Hawaii…but the media ignored his failure…

He probably does not want to go back to the FREAKIN mess he’s made…

Isotope Soap November 8, 2012 at 1:01 pm

You really love ridin’ ass, Biggie? I know this will change your domestic life with your mother, but go work for Fox.

Smirks November 8, 2012 at 1:32 pm

The only “cheating” in the media was Karl Rove trying to pretend the election wasn’t over when it clearly was. What a fool. He’s going to have a bunch of angry rich people pissed off at him, and he rightly deserves it.

Sailor November 8, 2012 at 1:49 pm

The really BIG winners in this election – the TV and radio stations in Ohio! Bet they’ll have some swinging Christmas parties!

Silvio Dante November 8, 2012 at 2:19 pm

Great point.

Recovering Lobbyist November 8, 2012 at 3:35 pm

The reason why you wait to count absentee ballots before calling a race. There were 4,000 absentee ballots cast in that race, more than enough to change the outcome, which is exactly what happened.

crackahasscrackah November 8, 2012 at 3:52 pm

Ah .. buth there were 267 double-secret absentee ballots casts in that race. And EVERY SINGLE ONE of them was marked for Finlay. How was AP supposed to know about them?

Alert citizen November 8, 2012 at 10:39 pm

The Post and Courier
S.C. Sen. Chip Campsen tapped for judicial panel
Thursday, November 8, 2012 5:44 p.m.

State Sen. Chip Campsen, R-Isle of Palms, will be one of 10 lawmakers and law professors who screen nominees hoping to become a South Carolina judge.

State Sen. Larry Martin, R-Pickens, appointed Campsen this week to the Judicial Merit Selection Commission, which looks over the qualifications of those wishing to be elected to a judicial post.

Only nominees found qualified can stand for election by the General Assembly. Campsen succeeds Sen. Jake Knotts, R-Lexington, who lost his re-election bid Tuesday.

Campsen also said he was honored by the appointment and called the commission’s work one of the Legislature’s most important jobs.


Campsen reportedly will resign from the Senate if he is compelled by new ethics legislation to disclose the monopolistic relationship his company, the tour boat company to Fort Sumter, has with the National Park Service.

All arranged quietly by Sen. Fritz Hollings ten+ years ago.

Chips doesn’t want the public to know of the monopolistic profits he earns.

These profits are so obscenely high they are embarrassing.

So chums, if you’re interested in talking over Chip’s district, just ensure full disclosure of all income on the SEI.

With the return of Bobby Harrell to the House, I expect the Governor’s “9-person Ethics Reform Commission” recommendations to go into the round file around Jan. 28th, and that no ethics reforms will be passed in the 120th Session.

But just in case, heads up: Chip spends his time hunting deer, quail and dove — and depositing Ft. Sumter tour boat receipts. He doesn’t have any law clients other than his own company.

To spook Chip completely out of the Senate, you might want to enact the “complete income source disclosure” legislation. He’s absolutely adamant: if enacted, he’ll resign.

Chip has gotten morally lazy in the Senate and someone should spook him out of there. Why not?


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