
Four More Years

BARACK OBAMA REELECTED U.S. President Barack Obama won another four years in office on Tuesday night – convincing narrow majorities of voters in key battleground states that the ailing U.S. economy wasn’t his fault and that “Republican” presidential nominee Mitt Romney didn’t have a prescription to make their lives any better….


U.S. President Barack Obama won another four years in office on Tuesday night – convincing narrow majorities of voters in key battleground states that the ailing U.S. economy wasn’t his fault and that “Republican” presidential nominee Mitt Romney didn’t have a prescription to make their lives any better.

Which let’s face it … isn’t that far from the truth.

The only problem?  Obama’s plan – more spending, money-printing and tax hikes – is likely to make things much, much worse.

Despite chronically high unemployment, sluggish economic growth and skyrocketing deficits, Obama nonetheless managed to pick up critical wins in swing states like Colorado, Iowa, Michigan, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.  He also captured narrow victories in Florida, Ohio and Virginia – all states that Romney absolutely had to win in order to reclaim the White House for “Republicans.”

In the days leading up to the election, Romney supporters challenged polling data that showed Obama with fragile leads in many of these swing states – insisting that the GOP nominee was poised to pick up as many as 300 Electoral College votes.

That clearly didn’t happen – even though Romney and Obama were running neck-and-neck in the nation’s popular vote (each receiving roughly 50 million votes, at last count).

Without counting Florida, Obama had amassed more than 300 Electoral College votes compared to Romney’s 203 – meaning that the GOP nominee barely improved on the performance of U.S. Sen. John McCain in 2008.  Additionally, Republicans lost three U.S. Senate seats – although they did maintain control of the U.S. House of Representatives (for whatever that’s worth).

Romney called Obama shortly after midnight and conceded the race – wishing the victor well and urging him to work with Congressional Republicans.

Do we foresee that happening?  Of course not …

As terrible as an Obama reelection is for U.S. taxpayers, we’re not convinced that a Romney administration would have treated them much better (which is why this website endorsed former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson’s candidacy).  In fact Romney proposed massive spending increases – and refused to support long-overdue spending cuts like those proposed by U.S. Rep. Ron Paul.


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Nölff November 7, 2012 at 1:06 am

Republicans, if you want to win, don’t let people like BigT represent you.

State Your Peace November 7, 2012 at 1:08 am

Big T passed out already, but when he wakes up in the morning, all hell will break loose.

Nölff November 7, 2012 at 1:10 am

Seriously, separate yourselves from crazies.

Nölff November 7, 2012 at 1:11 am

He’s probably going to punch puppies or something.

Soviet November 7, 2012 at 6:39 am




ceilidh10 November 7, 2012 at 8:16 am

Big T is a coward. Where is he this morning? He was so fucking wrong for so fucking long………. I love it when an asshole gets his comeuppance.

Big T for Dog Poop Picker Upper !

?tion November 7, 2012 at 1:08 am

Hopefully Big T’s Lambo is blue because his President is black and I’ll be God damn if his rims ain’t blue too.

Jackson McPhee November 7, 2012 at 1:18 am

Seriously dudes, BigT wasn’t running.

Romney was.

Nobody here is gonna tell me Romney is a right wing crazy.

However, the the point can be legitimately made that re-elected dude is a left wing commie pinko, right?

Don’t try to deny it! LOL!

What we’re looking at here is that we now have enough peeps in this country that like lefty stuff and free stuff and cradle-to-grave guvmint control and nannying that they can vote themselves largess from said guvmint.

I’m not optimistic that Obama/Reid will get us off the edge of the financial cliff. And it won’t be the Republican House that will be standing in the way of the “fix,” they will have their hands full keeping us from going over the cliff faster.

Stay tuned, libtards, it’s going to be a bumpy ride. I never thought we’d see “Jimmy Carter II & III,” but that’s what we’ve got.

Nölff November 7, 2012 at 1:23 am

U mad bro?

Nölff November 7, 2012 at 1:26 am

Romney IS crazy. He believes in magic glasses and aliens from outer space.

?tion November 7, 2012 at 1:49 am

“Pinko” is code for “don’t waste your time with anything else I have to say.”

Mohanna November 7, 2012 at 5:13 am

Are you related to Nanny McFee?

vicupstate November 7, 2012 at 7:40 am

If the GOP does not put the nutty fringe in it’s place (like yourself and Big idioT)they will cease to win anywhere but the old Confederacy.

When you spew nonsensee non stop about Kenya, Muslim, communism, etc. and you live in an alternate universe where even the most outlandish charges are believed as long as they are anti-Obama, you don’t need to be taken seriously.

Fortunately, the majority saw through the bullshit and gave the Teapublicans the middle finger they deserved.

Guero November 7, 2012 at 8:44 am

Aw, Jackson, the 47% stuck it up your arse. Get over it, you’re a loser.

Old Bike Dude November 7, 2012 at 1:20 am

Fuck! T has a new screen name.

Old Bike Dude November 7, 2012 at 1:23 am

Obama and the Democratic senate owe a huge debt of gratitude to the Tea Party. Thanks TPers, that pro rape thing was the bomb.

Frank Pytel November 7, 2012 at 5:57 am

I won’t comment on one bone head from any party, but you’re absolutely correct. The TP handed this one to Oshitforbrains.

Have a Great Day!! There won’t be many left with Odumbass in charge.

Frank Pytel :)

Joe the Plumber November 7, 2012 at 1:23 am

Okay you rabid right-winger republicans, you got what you deserved. Your ass served on a plate.

By all us spics, wops, queers, groids, pinkos, commies, tree-huggers, flag-burners, anti-Wall Street, health-insurance loving, elderly, disabled, left-handed, absent-minded, doofus, language-challenged, secular humanist, atheist, non-church-attending, underemployed, unemployed, 47% deadbeat, broken-family Americans.

Have a nice day.

No. . . Have a nice four years, mother fuckers.

?tion November 7, 2012 at 1:52 am

So as it turns out… When you combine all those slurs you get >50% of the electorate. Who would have thunk it?

Petey November 7, 2012 at 9:03 am

That’s a lot of free Chinese produced Obamaphones to hand out. Does the ringtone really default to Funky Town?

Silvio Dante November 7, 2012 at 9:52 am

You leave the wops out of this.

Jackson McPhee November 7, 2012 at 1:42 am

Just look at all the libtardy haters coming out of the woodwork.

I am not BigT with a new screen name.

This is Jimmy Carter III we got here, dudes. Something I hoped we would never see in this country.

This is not gonna be pretty. Hold on tight and get a second job, because everything is about to get more expensive and your taxes are about to go up. You’ll see.

?tion November 7, 2012 at 1:50 am

Your taxes have gone down in the past 4 years: FACT

Ken E. November 7, 2012 at 1:56 am

You forgot to mention the part where Obama takes all of your guns.

Seriously, though. Jimmy Carter? His approval was in the 30s during 1980. The GDP shrunk something like 7%. Not even close to our situation today.

Smirks November 7, 2012 at 2:20 am

Republicans can bring up Carter, but us “libtards” can’t mention Bush! Love how that works!

Wasn’t there a poll that said over 60% of those who took it thought Romney would continue Dubya’s policies?

vicupstate November 7, 2012 at 7:46 am

The economy had been sent into the ditch by Bush and needed a couple of years to bottom out. That has happened, and slow but steady improvement has been underway for many months. That pace will pick up in 2013, and would have regardless of who won. Housing and retail are showing strength and consumer confidence is up.

You can stop Tea tards with the Carter comparisons because unlike Carter, OBAMA WON A SECOND TERM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Guero November 7, 2012 at 8:45 am

Jackson, you bitter loser: Why don’t you move to the Bahamas with your “blow boy” Ravenel?

Observant November 7, 2012 at 9:05 am

Don’t forget – Jimmy gave us 22% returns on Certificates of Deposits — only around 1 % now…

Sarah Sez November 7, 2012 at 2:03 am

Fuck You BigT, Sid, Frank……

Frank Pytel November 7, 2012 at 5:57 am

Have a Great Day!! There won’t be many left with Odumbass in charge.

Frank Pytel :)

Smirks November 7, 2012 at 2:11 am

Fellow CommuNazis rejoice! Our liberal god was reelected! Let us form together at the nearest Starbucks and celebrate this momentous occasion by offering up a sacrifice to Mao and Hitler!

But seriously… To Big(o)T: youtube.com/watch?v=ulqwg10izuk

“I hope he fails.” Sorry Rush, the only failure here is you, along with Beck and Hannity and the rest of you losers! I’ll be tuning in to hear you morons bitch and moan that Romney wasn’t conservative enough!

“Our goal is to make Obama a one term president.” Mission failed, obstructionist Republicans! Fuck you Boehner! Fuck you McConnell!

Warren wins! Akin loses! ObamaCare is constitutional and permanent! Democrats hold the Senate! GG GOP

Smirks November 7, 2012 at 2:16 am

Hannity may call in sick tomorrow as the “Stop Obama Express” just derailed. Beck will be sure to tell us how the New Black Panthers worked with the Muslim Brotherhood to resurrect Karl Marx to help Obama. Rush will blame Romney, as Big(o)T will turn on him furiously. My predictions!

fishy smelling coot November 7, 2012 at 8:43 am

You mad bro?

Hojo November 7, 2012 at 6:31 pm

You’re kind of like the other 50% of the country that are asleep because you were suckered again with the kool-aide. Obama did fail and will continue to do so for four more. The loser is you.
what do you bet if the red states had Romney as president and the blue had their messiah dumb-ass that the red would thrive and the blue would be begging to cross over? Ooops! That’s already happening. By far the red states have a better economy than the blue. Makes sense that the ignorance of the left voted for Stanley Obama. They want more unemployment and be able to sit on their as*es and play video games. Worthless wastes of life. Hope more idiots in Jersey and NY expire this week with more snow. Less we have to take care of.

Ken E. November 7, 2012 at 2:12 am

Also, looks like Michelle Bachmann is projected to lose. Allen West is losing w/99% reporting. 2 bat guano crazies gone, many more to go.

Smirks November 7, 2012 at 2:16 am

Bachmann losing is a win for humanity. Logic and reason FTW!

Hojo November 7, 2012 at 6:32 pm

She won, retard

Ken E. November 7, 2012 at 8:57 pm

Obviously you didn’t see my following post, asshole.

Ken E. November 7, 2012 at 2:16 am

Dammit, they just flipped the projection back to Bachmann.

Sarah Sez November 7, 2012 at 2:17 am

Now what you gonna do T? Like the Grinch that Stole X-mas,….it still happened.

Joe November 7, 2012 at 6:58 am

Has BigT been placed on a suicide watch?

Smirks November 7, 2012 at 7:55 am

Calling “not it” on that responsibility.

Amelia Peabody Emerson November 7, 2012 at 3:37 am

President Obama won – that’s a fact. Now Obama haters have to get over it, and Obama lovers quit gloating. The US Senate and the House have to work together – because it is AMERICA’S FUTURE and our own futures that are at stake. If we don’t quit calling each other libtards, fucktards, commies, nuts, etc, and start trying to figure out how to work together, we are doomed. People have fought for generations so that you could speak freely, so please try to speak wisely when you exercise that right. We dishonor the Americans who gave their lives for our right to voice our opinions when we cheapen speech with hatred, name calling and denigration of others who don’t think like us, or look like us. Sure we can disagree, but we owe fellow Americans respect and courtesy. We also owe our country our best efforts to compromise (both parties) in the best interest of our country.
I know Big T is hurting and I feel sorry for him. I hope he will be back tomorrow with the attitude of “we have to make this work”, because frankly, we don’t have any other choice.
Now I will stop preaching, but I do feel good tonight about America’s future. God bless our President and God bless America.

notagain November 7, 2012 at 4:50 am

Very well said.

vicupstate November 7, 2012 at 7:49 am

Amelia, you can see below that Big T and his ilk are not going to change their attitude.

They hate Obama much more than they love America. They have and will continue to hope for him to fail, and by extention , for America to fail.

Hate to bust your bubble on that.

Petey November 7, 2012 at 9:06 am

Is this the same Senate inwhich Majority Leader Reid stated if Romney won he’d do everything in his power to oppose his views? Yeah that’s the Democrats working for the betterment of the country.

What did we get last night? Four More Years… of the same thing we’ve had the last four years. I don’t know if the economy can handle much more of this without imploding on itself.

BigT November 7, 2012 at 5:43 am

You can blame Fence-Riders like FITS…Now, no drilling for oil, More unemployment, Race Hate and Revenge for good people…

Nothing but more failure, exponentionally and pusnishment, now….

Also: If any of you have half a brain, and I doubt you do, or that you care, you’d get down on your knees and pray….

Obama convinced the Stupid that hating America is the best policy, and punishing us, by letting him live like a King, should come first…

We are in for an ugly, ugly ride…

If the hateful, irresponsible and lazy could take our country through protests and civil disobedience…it it time of us to Act like they did…

Honesty, Honor, Hard Work and deceny has given us a grinning Failed and Ugly monster…

They will Swill the blood and eat the flesh of this hideous Devil…but you better buy your guns and get ready…

Obama and the Radical left think they own us now….you better be ready to do more than just vote…

Frank Pytel November 7, 2012 at 6:01 am

“You can blame Fence-Riders like FITS” Um, No sir. You can blame people like me who are tired of voting for the lesser of two evils. There are very, very few true conservatives out there that want to work in gubmint.

Congrats commies. We earned it for you.

Have a Great Day!! There won’t be many left with Odumbass in charge.

Frank Pytel :)

Mohanna November 7, 2012 at 6:05 am

STFU-enough already-get to specifics or just stop writing.

Amelia Peabody Emerson November 7, 2012 at 6:22 am

Big T, I believe FITS operates in SC primarily – and Romney won SC. So why is FITS to blame for your misery over Romney losing the NATIONAL election? You are insinuating that FITS worked against Romney and that FITS has tremendous influence throughout the entire United States? If that is the case, you are giving FITS great stature and much credit. Do you really want to do that? I thought you hated FITS?
Please quit with all your gloom and doom and implied threats against President Obama. That accomplishes nothing. Unless you want to try to help America heal and move forward, start looking for solutions and rooting for the President of America to do a good job. If you don’t do that, you are irrelevant.
The same goes for you Frank Pytel.

Smirks November 7, 2012 at 7:59 am

“Honesty, Honor, Hard Work and deceny” is rich coming from a Romney supporter. If you want honest, honorable, hard-working, decent people to vote for, then Romney, Cain, Santorum, Bachmann, Perry, and Gingrich are probably the last people you should be looking at running.

You had Huntsman and Paul. Your loss.

Guero November 7, 2012 at 8:47 am

Teapot, how’s that ass-whupping thing working out for you?

SparkleCity November 7, 2012 at 8:57 am

What good is that Mossberg 12 gauge or 45 ACP against an up-armored Humvee, a Bradley, an Apache, or the exoitic stuff coming down the pipeline??

You and your kind are dickheads all………….

Frank Pytel November 7, 2012 at 6:46 am

Amelia Peabody Emerson

What the hell makes you think that I have any interest in Romney. They’re both libtard commie whores.

Amelia, maybe you can answer a question for me. I have yet to hear any reasonable answer from your ilk.

If your guy wins, I’m hating, but if my guy wins I’m hating. WTF?

As for Odumbassmotherfuckerfromhellsoontobeczarofamerika, I voted for his nasty ass because I think he’s the evilist of the two evil choices I had to choose from. So WTF do you care why I voted for his nasty commie ass. You won. Don’t you know when you’ve won.

Frankly you stupid moron, You should be thanking me. We both got what we wanted. Fucking libtards don’t even know how to win graciously.

Have a Great Day!! There won’t be many left with Odumbass in charge.

Frank Pytel :)

tomstickler November 7, 2012 at 8:28 am

Unless you live outside South Carolina, your presidential vote — just like mine — didn’t mean shit.

mph November 7, 2012 at 7:08 am

You guys are ridiculous. Big T is a fits sock puppet. Ignore him.

Communist? Frank, I think you need an 8th grade western civilization or remedial economics class. TARP was proposed and passed by the Bush Administration and the auto bailout was, too. If it’s a reference to the AHCA, it affects a small number of Americans, hardly a command economy.

And for you to ask for gracious behavior now would suggest you skipped English, too. Look up irony.

What you guys are experiencing is the five stages of grief. Last few weeks I’ve watch Frank, Colonel and the rest of this online clown car in the first stage – denial. No matter what the polling showed, they continued to promise a Romney victory. Today we’re seeing the second stage – anger. Angry that Americans are lazy, commies, stupid, insert pejorative here:_______. I expect accusations of voter fraud next. Soon they’ll accept that Republicans have lost the popular vote in five of the past six presidential elections which will ironically led them to the next stage – bargaining/rationalization. They’ll tell themselves that if they had just nominated a more conservative candidate, they would have won. The next stages, depression and acceptance, are not going to happen. Rather, they’ll cue up hearings and prosecutions on Beghazi and the talk of impeachment will begin anew.

Let’s hope I’m wrong. Obama is by nature a wuss. The Republicans can get 90% of what they want on budget deals.

The Colonel November 7, 2012 at 7:41 am

Narrow that brush a little Skippy – I never thought Romney would win, as much as I wish he would have.

It was fun watching “wonder bread” rack up votes in the early returns but you won’t find anywhere that I predicted a victory except in a statement that if the record turnout SC experienced occurred across the country Obama would be in trouble. The “turn out” turned out to be lower nationally this time.

In the national election nobody won; We’ve got a divided Congress, a divisive president and a looming fiscal disaster. You’re probably right about hearings on Benghazi – it may well result in some vacancies in the administration beyond the normal second term “step downs”. Frankly if half of what is being reported is true some asses need to burn but it would be hard to make the case that the president is one of them. Voter fraud – probably no more than usual, I loved the Obama mural in the polling place in PA and the Election official wearing the Obama hat in Chicago.


76% of the lemmings in Richland County still voted straight ticket Democrat but the penny tax still failed.

The porcine one – Ol’Jakie got his fat ass handed to him by a write in.

Gloria Tinubu was soundly defeated by a bad but still better than her Rice.

The Poverty Pimp got elected again – proving gerrymandering is both alive and well and also effective.

Joe Wilson beat Daffy Duck.

Scott, Duncan, Gowdy and Mulvaney all won.

Haley’s eventual replacement will be running on a two person ticket.

A mixed bag all in all – not what I would have preferred but we’ll return to gridlock as usual and that’s a good thing as long as it keeps the Gov’t out of my pocket.

mph November 7, 2012 at 7:48 am

If you in fact you are/were a Colonel, it’s the gov’t stuffing your pockets. Gov’t healthcare. Gov’t paychecks. Gov’t GI Bill. Gov’t pension.

Cognitive dissonance.

The Colonel November 7, 2012 at 7:52 am

I’m a reserve officer MPH, I have a civilian job as well and pay for my health care out of pocke. I earned my GI bill and pension defending you – you’re welcome.

On a more important note, looks like I was wrong about the &*&@%#% penny tax, the lemmings apparently got it passed by about 600 votes – looks like I’me shopping in Lexington or Kershaw now.

mph November 7, 2012 at 7:56 am

Defending me from what?

Drop the BS. It doesn’t change the fact that the taxpayers footed the bill.

Frank Pytel November 7, 2012 at 8:05 am


You obviously have not watched very closely. I have no love for Bushy Obamney or any of the rest. This country hasn’t had a conservative candidate for over 100 years.

If your going to bitch just to bitch, that’s ok. But when you point fingers, make sure your finger is pointed in the right direction.

Have a Great Day!! There won’t be many left with Odumbass in charge.

Frank Pytel :)

Reply Reply Reply Reply Reply Reply Reply Reply Reply Reply Reply Reply Reply Reply Reply Reply Reply Reply Reply Reply Reply Reply Reply Reply Reply Reply Reply Reply Reply Reply Reply Reply Reply Reply Reply Reply Reply Reply Reply Reply Reply Reply Reply Reply Reply Reply Reply Reply Reply Reply Reply Reply Reply Reply Reply Reply Reply

That’s for that other moron.

Smirks November 7, 2012 at 8:08 am

Not going to step into this fight, but I want to say that the penny tax may still pass (unfortunately):

As of 2:30am, the commission reported 63, 528 votes in favor of the penny tax and 54,970 votes against the increase.


63,528 people begging for Poorland County to take their money to piss away on stupid bullshit. Also,

Haley’s eventual replacement will be running on a two person ticket.

Wut? That change doesn’t take place until 2018. Or are you saying she’ll win her reelection bid? That would be scary.

Carry on.

mph November 7, 2012 at 8:11 am

By the way, I’m a contractor for the 81st. I work everyday with reservists. I just don’t forget where the check comes from.

The Colonel November 7, 2012 at 8:25 am

That didn’t take long…

53 House Members Demand of Obama: Were Pre-9/11/12 Benghazi Bombings in Presidential Daily Briefs?


Oh Shit, Not Again November 7, 2012 at 7:13 am

I’m stocking up on:
30.06 for my 1903A4
30.30 for my Model 94
.308 for my light Number 1
.45 for my 1911A1
OO, #3 and #7 for my 590SP

Soviet November 7, 2012 at 7:26 am

… and 7.62 X 54 Russian too.

The Colonel November 7, 2012 at 7:48 am

The AK’s a piece of crap – Assuming Oh Shit is referring to a Ruger # 1 in .308, that’s the rifle to have – it’s a single shot but it’s so accurate it’s scary (the .375 is a better caliber)

vicupstate November 7, 2012 at 7:56 am

Obama has NEVER said one thing about guns as either a candidate or as the POTUS. All you are doing is driving up the cost of the very guns and ammo you are so in love with.

Your irrational fear has already done that in fact, quite a bit. There probably isn’t one gun shop owner that didn’t vote for Obama.

Smirks November 7, 2012 at 8:15 am

Shit like this is the reason it was hard as hell to find ammo in stores back in 2009/2010. And for what? Fear mongering regarding gun control laws when the only gun law the President ever signed was to allow CWP holders to conceal carry in national parks.

The Colonel November 7, 2012 at 8:27 am

Just out of curiosity Smirks what calibers do you prefer?

SparkleCity November 7, 2012 at 8:27 am


It’s paranoid schizo’s like you that have drove the price of ammo so fucking high that I hardly shoot anymore.

And don’t give me that BS about reloads, the reload stuff has gone sky-high too.

Never forget every box of ammo you buy the Feds get a good cut so in essence, you are supporting the Feds some of you folks are so rabidly against.

Petey November 7, 2012 at 9:13 am

If AK’s are pieces of crap, why have so many foreign countries adopted them and used them successfully against our troups who are supposedly supplied with the best equipment produced? Drop an AK in the mud and it’ll continue to fire, walk through a dust storm with an M-16 and it becomes an expensive club.

The Colonel November 7, 2012 at 9:45 am

Petey – the reason AKs are so prevalent (100,000,000 world wide) is that the Soviet Union and China gave them away like day old bread. I’ve traveled several places where you can pick one up for $10 US. Brand new from the Gov’t manufacturer they sell for about $180 (M-16s go for about $650 and we’ve still sold 8,000,000 of them)

I’m not a fan of the M16/M4 but have carried one for almost 3/5ths of my life and can guarantee you that with a modicum of care it is a reliable and deadly little pee shooter. It does require substantially more care than an AK – it is also substantially more accurate than the AK.

The 7.62×39 bullet is a more effective killer than the 5.56 but not when fired from an AK – put it in a Ruger Ranch or another well-made rifle and you’ve got a deadly tack driver.

I would carry a HK G3 in 7.62×58 if allowed but these days the freaking armorer keeps giving me a POS Beretta.

Billy-Bob November 7, 2012 at 7:28 am

The only downside I see is we’re stuck with Haley!

Grandparent November 7, 2012 at 8:00 am

Getting rid of Haley and all of her cronies should be a top priority! I am tired of my home state being the laughing stock of the world!

SparkleCity November 7, 2012 at 7:33 am

I voted 3rd party for Prez and all across the spectrum for local elections.

But main thing is the TEA Partiers got their brainwashed asses kicked for the main part in the Upstate.

Those petition candidates mostly lost in the Uptate and by a lot in Spartanburg where incumbents won (by & large)—Rita,Glen Reese, etc. where the rabid Spartanburg TEA Party space cadets heavily fronted anti-incumbents & think everybody should think like them and BY GOSH, they want to shove their dogma down your throat becasue they know more than everyone else.

Hey Russ Cassell:

How about your statement that this year would be the “Year of the Petition Candidate”??????

Every damn prediction that windbag makes gets shot full of holes

1. “Gas will be $5/gallon in the Upstate by Memorial Day 2012” = WRONG!!! – Gas actually went DOWN prior to Memorial Day 2012 and is trending down presently
2. “If I get back on FM, my show will DOMINATE the dial in the Upstate” = WRONG!!! – That windbag got 3rd place ONCE and averages 5th-7th place every Arbitron period
3. “2012 will be the Year of the Petition candidate in SC” = WRONG!!! Petition mostly got their asses whipped this time around

If Russ and the TEA party didn’t come across as such assholes they might garner more respect.

As they are now, Fuck ’em.

SparkleCity November 7, 2012 at 7:44 am


Lee Bright won too

But I can tell you one thing

He will fuck you over in a heartbeat. His own relatives won’t vote for him.


SparkleCity (one of the “Red-headed step-children” of NW Spartanburg County who got thrown under the bus by Lee “Pontius Pilate” Bright and traded this part of the county to a “Bubba” living in Traveler’s Rest).

Fuck a bunch of Lee Brights………..

ceilidh10 November 7, 2012 at 8:22 am

South Carolina, stop the love affair with the crazies on the right. The GOP is bad for you on some many levels.

Start thinking about your life and your career and what party has your interests at heart. It’s the Dems. Unless your are super wealthy, and can afford health insurance or to be able to pay as you go, unless you are rolling in money, which 99% on us on this site are not, you need to vote Democrat. If you become injured or disabled or your world collapses economically, at least the Dems will lend a helping hand. The GOP wants to destroy your safety net.

Come back home, South Carolina. Come back to the Democratic Party. The party of your ancestors.

SparkleCity November 7, 2012 at 9:02 am

As a proud Independant, I can’t go along with the national Democratic party line but if you are talking most pragmatic Democrats on the state level, I would tend to agree with you.

The Colonel November 7, 2012 at 9:05 am

“…Come back home, South Carolina. Come back to the Democratic Party. The party of your ancestors….” – you remember them, they were the ones burning crosses and wearing white sheets with hoods that looked (appropriately enough) like dunce caps…

Crooner November 7, 2012 at 9:15 am


All the white hooded Dems switched parties in the seventies.

The Colonel November 7, 2012 at 9:48 am

Not hardly, the only real difference between racists in the Republican party and racists in the Democratic party is that Democrats pretend to be offened when someone talks about “darkies”.

Ever heard of Dick Harpootlian?

Bert November 7, 2012 at 8:23 am

Yo B? Where My Jobby Job At?

Please print your answer.

tomstickler November 7, 2012 at 8:33 am

I love the smell of wingnut heads exploding in the morning.

tomstickler November 7, 2012 at 8:34 am

I love the smell of wingnut heads exploding in the morning: Apocalypse 2012

? November 7, 2012 at 8:43 am

It’s the Neocon’s that lost the election, no one else.

As I stated back when Mitt started ripping on the gov’t check recepients openly, the Neocon GOP has managed to be so incompetent as to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. They managed to alienate several crucial tertiary groups(like soft core libertarians) and ignored the lessons of those competent before them in coalition building. It one regard Obama has done something not done since FDR, win an election despite a bad economy.

Hopefully this will be the beginning of the GOP’s final decay to Whig status.(but probably not)

fishy smelling coot November 7, 2012 at 8:57 am

This was almost expected. Neocons replayed the same card from 2008 by nominating a shill to run against New Deal 2.0. They did all this by isolating that portion of the voting bloc with libertarian leanings, who in protest likely went with the more hip candidate if they decided to vote at all. In all there was no more difference between the two in that one is white and the other half white. The welfare/warfare empire (neofeudal serfdom/neocolonialism) remains intact and looks set to have 4 more glorious years.

? November 7, 2012 at 8:59 am

I might only point out the game only holds up for 4 years if the dollar remains in tact….I have my doubts that it will for 4 years…we’ll see.

Other then that nice comment.

Petey November 7, 2012 at 9:01 am

Now let’s bring the failure to provide military support in Benghazi full strength. He may have won the election, but when the full report comes out that he failed to protect our citizens and ignored three pleas begging for support by one of our military members, if Hillary (who will run on the 2016 ticket) fails to fall on another Obama sword, he may leave the office under rules of impeachment.

Crooner November 7, 2012 at 9:18 am

You mean like Reagan failed to protect our Marines in Lebanon? Give it up, the country has spoken and they don’t care.

TontoBubbaGoldstein November 7, 2012 at 9:02 am





******** ****** ***********6666

TontoBubbaGoldstein November 7, 2012 at 9:10 am

Settle down people. You have got Obama in the White Hose for 4 more years. You also have a GOP controlled House. Gridlock! The only time the GOP is worth a shit is when the other party holds the presidency. (Examples: 1994 GOP congress with Bill Clinton as President.) Anyone here who thinks we are better off now, or in 2008, than we were in 1998 is a damned fool.
Now the *only* thing that Obama did different from just continuing Dubya’s policies was Obamacare. Lest you believe that National Healthcare/ Socialised Medicine/whatever you want to call it, is something dreamed up by Obama and his commie mentors…the idea has been being pushed on America by Democrats and “progressives” since Roosevelt. “That’s TEDDY Roosevelt, beetchez!””
Bbbbbut, Romney and the GOP were going to repeal Obamacare if they got in power, right?
Yeah, believe that, playa!”
“Not withstanding the ugly *fact* that Obamacare is based on …ROMNEYcare; the GOP also promised to repeal the New Deal and the Great Society. I haven’t really kept up of late, so maybe BigT or some of you other GOP stalwarts can let me know how thats going.”


TontoBubbaGoldstein November 7, 2012 at 9:15 am

White Hose = White House. (Sorry if I got you all worked up, 9?.)
Mea culpa on the never ending italics.
It’s early, dammit!
And…. I literally cannot seem to proofread long posts on my ‘Droid. The cursor moves where it wants to … the screen moves around at will, foul smelling green smoke emanates from the phones orifices and sometimes I hear a gutteral voice talking about “Zool” and “Gozer” and urging me to ” Choose the form of my Destructor “.

Sarah Sez November 7, 2012 at 9:31 am

Some of you (Sid, Frank, BigT) will now need to become productive members of society. I have plans for each of you:

1) Sid: Take a test for social retardation and do whatever the test says to do.

2) Frank: Stop cursing so much. Try not to do/write the same thing over and over. And have a great day.

3) BigT: Oh my…..I’m at a loss here. Maybe if you donate your brain to science, we can stop you from ever happening again.

TontoBubbaGoldstein November 7, 2012 at 10:38 am

Ummm….no. They can keep on keeping on. Nothing changed. If Romney had won, the would have to either get jobs or learn to rationalize their support of the EXACT SAME POLICIES that Obama had. Like they did when W was POTUS.

Frank Pytel November 7, 2012 at 11:26 am

I didn’t realize you had to take a test to qualify for welfare. I also didn’t realize that only welfare recipients are “productive members of society”. See, where I grew up at it was explained to me that you have to Occupy A Desk. In lieu of that, I Occupied a Hammer and Nails for many years. I now work in the office utilizing parametric modeling software that I don’t think the average welfare recipient would be capable of utilizing.

You have a great day as well, Sarah. Lord knows there won’t be too many of those left with Oshitforbrains in charge. :)

Frank Pytel

Frank Pytel November 7, 2012 at 11:28 am

BTFU tin man. I never supported mittenhead.

Have a Great Day!! Lord knows there won’t be too many of those left with Oshitforbrains in charge. :)

Frank Pytel

Staffer November 7, 2012 at 9:32 am

Does somebody have time to compile all the comments that Big T made about how there was no way that Obama would win and called everyone on this page stupid for thinking he had a chance? Big T don’t fill up too much on sour grapes, you have a lot of words yet to eat. Hope you’re hungry.

Carl Spackler November 7, 2012 at 9:41 am

Amen. Its time for these goons to own up to what they’ve said.

Carl Spackler November 7, 2012 at 9:39 am

Don’t some of you folks need to own up to bad predictions this morning?

Sid, in particular, I am rereading your comments about the state of Michigan, which was called about as quickly as possible for Obama. You did also say how smart and successful you are. What went wrong?

I reckon its okay to be wrong…just own up to it.

Thomas November 7, 2012 at 9:39 am

Ok, I will be honest. I thoroughly enjoyed 2008 so much, I could careless about who or what skeletons were on Obama’s closet. I hate the Clinton’s and especially PIAPS. Back in the day, it was not uncommon for me to hit Wellesley College during visiting hours, and maybe stay late until Monday night football games were over….the RA was usually somewhere else, so I was told, so me and a bud had some fun with the second floor, the first floor too.

Anyway. What I heard then was this. When the William Jefferson Clinton won his second term as Gov of Arkansas, PIAPS came into town and gave a talk at Wellesley, being an alum and all. She boasted THEN that Bill would be President and she would be the first female President of the United States. So you see, after hearing about her from the shagged, and how much they all adored her, it really did not matter to me until 1992, then the radar came on. I really hated their politics, but man, they sure were warm on a cold Massachusetts night.

I wanted PIAPS to lose the election in 2008 so much, I cared not who became President. Unfortunately, when one is consumed with so much disdain to Mrs Clinton, the Pig In A Pantsuit, that they neglect their due dilligence, then I get what I deserve.

What PIAPS is to politics as a first female, President Obama is as the first black President. Being first, they usually get a pass on scrutiny because of the barriers and history involved. So it came to be. No real reporting on his background, qualifications, political philosophy. After 4 years, we see more and more what makes the man tick.

Romney, to me, is just in love with himself, and forced his way in with his money. I am glad his is gone, too far left for me. His Veep choice really said it all, a conservative Catholic that somehow balances his ticket? snicker….lol.

So Obama is my President for the next 4 years. He is better than PIAPS, and after 8 years of Obama, America will not hire PIAPS in 2016. This is why I am glad he won, so PIAPS will NEVER be the first female President in US History.

My name is Thomas, and I approve this message.

BTW—fuck you Knotts!

Frank Pytel November 7, 2012 at 11:35 am

The DOW is currently down nearly 400 points. I wish that I could honestly say that this was Oshitforbrains fault.

Unfortunately the reality is, the Repukelitards are likely to block (or more likely fain blocking) TARP2 and QE12. As soon as one or both pass the dow will rocket to near 15,000 because the gubmint is bailing out more businesses that are “Too big to fail”. Another words, the gubmint is protecting corporate (read “my buddies”) profits.

What a crock of fucking shit.

Have a Great Day!! Lord knows there won’t be too many of those left with Oshitforbrains in charge. :)

Frank Pytel

Frank Pytel November 7, 2012 at 12:55 pm

Come on Senseless. Where are you. The DOW is DOWN DOWN DOWN. Why aren’t you here blaming it on Bushy?? HUH HUH HUH. WTF?

Have a Great Day!! Lord knows there won’t be too many of those left with Oshitforbrains in charge. :)

Frank Pytel

mph November 7, 2012 at 1:28 pm

Frank, the Dow was at 8000 the day Obama took office.

Try again.

Are you willing to give credit to him for it coming up 5000 points? Didn’t think so. Me either. One has nothing to do with the other, hombre.

Frank Pytel November 7, 2012 at 2:06 pm

You fucking libtard commie whores are all the same. Did you read the first post idiot?

Have a Great Day!! Lord knows there won’t be too many of those left with Oshitforbrains in charge. :)

Frank Pytel

This just in. . . November 7, 2012 at 2:43 pm

Nation Spends $2.5 Billion on Nothing

NEWS ANALYSIS (The Borowitz Report) — One day after the costliest Presidential election in U.S. history, Americans awoke to the ugly realization that the nation had spent $2.5 billion with absolutely nothing to show for it.

“Four years ago, Barack Obama was elected President of the United States, and that is still the case,” says Professor Davis Logsdon of the University of Minnesota. “The only difference is that we as a nation are out $2.5 billion.”

Mr. Logsdon claims that America’s system of egregious political spending “has made us the laughingstock of the world,” arguing, “Even Greece would know better than to blow through money like that.”

But “not so fast,” says Tracy Klugian, President of the Negative Advertising Association of America, which represents the nation’s leading producers of political attack ads.

“When people complain about how expensive these political campaigns are, they’re forgetting about the millions of Americans who are employed making negative ads,” he says. “Say what you will about lies, vitriol and character assassination, they’re job creators.”

In fact, Mr. Klugian says, America’s costly and interminable campaigns are the nation’s most reliable source of employment: “They gave a completely unskilled person like Mitt Romney a steady job for eight years.”

Acknowledging that the $2.5 billion spent this year was a “tidy sum,” Mr. Klugian says, “If we took all the money we spend on political ads and used it to educate our children and feed the poor, we wouldn’t be America.”

Mohanna November 7, 2012 at 9:14 pm

The truth is I just couldn’t stand Romney. To lift the Republicans spirits you won most of the Confederate states.

Booyah November 12, 2012 at 2:21 am

“Nobody here is gonna tell me Romney is a right wing crazy.”

He was a Judas Goat pawn of the crazies. That didn’t work since people saw through him.

The GOP just elected Obama, for the second time, and they don’t know what they did wrong.

Mohanna November 12, 2012 at 3:12 am

No, Romney was just a bad candidate and people didn’t like him.

Booyah November 12, 2012 at 3:04 pm

There are no moderate (c)onservative Republicans left, but everyone remaining thinks they are “moderate”. “Moderate” actually means “centrist” means RINO/DINO.

The religious Right = the GOP, so it wins where that group controls the ground, such as the South.

What it needs to understand is that being an Old White Folks Party it will win where OWF dominate, but some lies must be told for it to appeal to anyone else.

If the crazies were SMARTER, they’d be able to restrain their ranting in the primaries, LOOK moderate, then spring the trap after the election and THEN fuck the hell out of everyone else.

BigT is the modern GOP. Ask him, he’ll tell you so.

If the modern GOP are willing to retain the House and swap back and forth in the Senate, they don’t actually NEED the White House. The President does NOT run the US.

Obammy can’t do shit with the GOP controlling the House, which VINDICATES Karl Roves planning! Rove then drank his own Kool-Aid and thought Romney was viable.
Serious GOP contenders held out for 2016 since four years don’t mean shit in the big-boy political world.


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