Sink The Speaker

BOBBY HARRELL NEEDS TO BE BROUGHT DOWN It was a fool’s errand when we opposed S.C. House SpeakYou must Subscribe or log in to read the rest of this content.

BOBBY HARRELL NEEDS TO BE BROUGHT DOWN It was a fool’s errand when we opposed S.C. House Speak
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? November 1, 2012 at 10:45 am

The only thing that’s gonna work is kneecapping the bastards.

Who’s ready to do some time for the good of the public?


Lonnie November 1, 2012 at 12:16 pm

You go on ahead. We’ll wait and see how it works out for you.

? November 1, 2012 at 12:20 pm

lol, I was hoping someone else would step up.

Fact checker November 1, 2012 at 10:58 am

Personally, I don’t care either way who wins this race…but I do care about truth and integrity, both of which are severely lacking … By FITSNews.

Harrell doesn’t even appoint the members of the House Ethics Committee. They are elected by the entire House membership.

FITSNews & Folks doesn’t have a truthful or integrity bone in his body. Folks will lie, cheat and steal to the best of his ability to promote the views of those paying him. This here is just another example.

Johnny November 1, 2012 at 4:51 pm

Come on now, you’ve got to know Harrell flexes his muscle to strong arm legislators regarding who to put on the ethics committee and everything else. Remember, You scratch my ack and I will scratch your back goes on all the time….they call it politics, I call SHIT!

I stand w/ Tim Scott November 1, 2012 at 11:16 am

Given the choice, I stand w/ Tim Scott over Will Folks. What about you?

Tim over FITS November 1, 2012 at 12:01 pm

Me too, I’ll take Tim over FITS all day long.

jeffy01 November 1, 2012 at 11:23 am

If he had Democratic opposition…FITS (RHINO-Columbia) would endorse the Democrat?

insider November 1, 2012 at 11:50 am

Wonder how long it will take his wife to divorce him? When the money dries up?

commonman November 1, 2012 at 11:58 am

The Speaker needs to go, but the voters in Charleston that benefit from his power will keep him there so he can screw the rest of us. There is not a single House member to stand up to him. He should be the poster child for term limits. Sooner or later this state will wise up and rise up and throw these “fiscal conservatives” out of office and get back to serving the taxpayers.

Lewis November 1, 2012 at 12:59 pm

“The Speaker needs to go, but the voters in Charleston that benefit from his power will keep him there so he can screw the rest of us.”

Sorta like Jakie and Lexington County.

CNSYD November 1, 2012 at 1:06 pm


Ever heard of Gressette and/or Blatt?

toyota kawaski November 1, 2012 at 4:24 pm

he like Jake will roll by double digits
Go Jake
Go Bobby
and Go To Hell Fits

Omar November 2, 2012 at 12:36 am

True conversation in House District 114 recently:

Location: Charleston business with “Bobby Harrell for House” sign in front.

Me: Hello, I’m Omar. I’d like to talk with the owner, Mr. Shooken Down.

Employee: Just a moment — I’ll fetch him.

Mr. Shooken Down: Omar! How can I help you?

Me: Shooken, you’ve got a “Bobby Harrell for House” sign out front.

Mr. Shooken Down: Yes, Omar, that’s right.

Me: Well, you know I’m a long-time customer of yours. I’d like to put up “John Steinberger” sign next to the “Bobby Harrell” sign.

Mr. Shooken Down: What’s is Mr. Steinberger running for?

Me: House District 114. The Bobby Harrell seat. John Steinberger’s also a Republican, and got on the ballot thanks to about 5,000 petition signatures.

Mr. Shooken Down: So he’s running AGAINST Bobby Harrell? What’s his campaign platform?

Me: Well, anti-corruption for one…

Mr. Shooken Down: Oh, for Christ sake…

Me: Steinberger’s also for tax reform…

Mr. Shooken Down: Oh, for Christ sake… Omar, do you realize what Harrell would do to my business if I let another politician put a sign on my place?

Me: No. What?

Mr. Shooken Down: You name it. School board, treasurer, senator, coroner, sheriff, whatever. Steinberger, anyone.

Me: No. What?

Mr. Shooken Down: Omar, he’d put me out of business. Shut me down. Divert my customers. Crush me.

Me: He’s that powerful?

Mr. Shooken Down: Bobby Harrell is dapper. I’ve been warned by his friends. I’m not to cross him. If I don’t support him, show his sign — and nobody else’s sign — bad things are going to happen to my business.

Me: Golly, Shooken, I apologize. Didn’t mean to get you hyperventilating. Can I get you some water? Here, take a chair…

Mr. Shooken Down: Thanks, Omar. Business is tough enough without having to deal with Bobby Harrell’s threats. Thank god there’s only one of him around. Who is the fellow running against Harrell?

Me: Steinberger… John Steinberger.

Mr. Shooken Down: Yes, yes, good, okay. My family and I’ll vote for Steinberger but for Christ sake don’t repeat this. Harrell would destroy me. D-E-S-T-R-O-Y me.

John Steinberger November 2, 2012 at 6:57 am

I am running against Speaker Harrell as a Petition candidate. I am one of 5 SC House candidates who have been endorsed by Club For Growth, which gave Speaker Harrell a D grade. The other 4 also support the South Carolina FairTax Act, which eliminates the state income tax by removing the exemptions in our sales tax code. It keeps the state sales tax rate at 6%.

I have been in almost every neighborhood in House District 114 and have radio ads on both Charleston talk stations and electronic billboard ads on I-526.

Lance Riprock November 2, 2012 at 11:33 am

Remember, if you kill the king, you better cut off his head.


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