
Pink Glove Love

WE’RE SPREADING IT … In late September, our founding editor Will Folks (a.k.a. Sic Willie) fired off an ill-wagered, ill-questioned tweet regarding certain college and pro football players who were already wearing pink wristbands and other accoutrements to celebrate National Breast Cancer Awareness Month (which takes place each October). It…


In late September, our founding editor Will Folks (a.k.a. Sic Willie) fired off an ill-wagered, ill-questioned tweet regarding certain college and pro football players who were already wearing pink wristbands and other accoutrements to celebrate National Breast Cancer Awareness Month (which takes place each October).

It didn’t take long for several folks – including friends and members of his own family – to recoil at such a missive.

“We will wear pink proudly whenever we want,” one of Sic’s family members shot back.

Good for her.  And good for everyone who pounced on Sic’s idiotic remark – which was a poor excuse for provocation, one clearly not befitting his status as the state of South Carolina’s preeminent pot-stirrer.

Anyway, as part of our effort to restore some semblance of balance to the cosmos we’ve been looking for an opportunity to promote Breast Cancer Awareness … an opportunity that doesn’t involve our founding editor offering to assist in “self-exams” (gross).

That’s where the “Pink Glove Dance” comes into play …

An international competition sponsored by Medline Industries, Inc. – which produces pink exam gloves – the “Pink Glove Dance” project honors cancer survivors and raises awareness about breast cancer.

To vote for Lexington Medical Center’s video, go to the website www.pinkglovedance.com, search for the “L-M” range on the drop down menu and then click “vote” on the hospital’s video.

You must have a Facebook account to vote.

As of this week, LMC is in first place … and if the hospital’s video gets enough votes to hang on it would win the competition for the second year in a row.  Last year, LMC donated its $10,000 first place prize to the Vera Bradley Foundation for Breast Cancer Research – which is where this year’s winnings would go.

Wanna help? Click on the link below and cast your vote …


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fishy smelling coot October 25, 2012 at 4:55 pm

No pink socks?

junior justice October 25, 2012 at 7:13 pm

no pink panties? – pink bras?

sid October 26, 2012 at 10:43 am

“No pink socks?”

Hey, let’s try to keep it clean.

Survivor October 25, 2012 at 7:36 pm

I’ve read your blog for years Will, but I’ve never commented. As a breast cancer survivor I want to thank you for bringing attention to this wonderful video! Everyone please vote! There are more and more survivors every year.

BigT October 25, 2012 at 8:22 pm

Back track, dude..like a true pop culture coward…

Yet you still look like a lair and an idiot on the Scott Wingo Stupidity and you NEVER produced the evidence from the Haley claim…

Will you apologize to those people?

LMC October 26, 2012 at 8:47 am

On behalf of Lexington Medical Center, thank you for this post, Will. We appreciate your sincerity in helping this important cause. Everyone, please vote!

BigT October 26, 2012 at 1:46 pm

I hope (and pray) that LMC has as much concern for all sick and injured, as I do.
Do you go to other Websites and support all causes for all people?

meanjean October 26, 2012 at 5:10 pm

Indeed, this is all well and good that Will Folks is supporting this important cause. Let us not forget that even though he uses LMC as his hospital of choice for his family, he has been an incredible douche-bag towards the hospital and many of the employees. He is absolutely NOT a friend of the hospital. Folks redeems himself, ever so slightly, by posting this article…no, wait maybe it has more to do “the ta-tas”!

Frank Pytel October 27, 2012 at 6:04 am


Most important part of the story! Do you see anyone wearing some oddly unimportant thing for say HIP CANCER? Hell No.

I don’t want to see anyone hurt over some disease, but it happens. The ONLY reason TATA cancer research gets so much attention is because women don’t want cancer and men want TATA’s.

Notice since the feminist movement (the hard core nazi commando BS that is seen from jerks like NOW, Global fund for women, Planned Parenthood, etc. and not from my favorite one, Ifeminist dot com, dot something IDK) that instead of having health insurance that pays when people get sick, you know have health insurance that is chock full of ‘preventative care’ freebies for women (even though men can get breast cancer and similar gender specific diseases) and men are specifically excluded from coverage for many of the same types of maladies.

Hell, even their medical services page is chock full of crap for women. Not one word for male related services.

Have a Great Day!! :)

Frank Pytel

Frank Pytel

b. henschel October 26, 2012 at 9:01 pm

Screw all the pink shoes,wristbands, shoes, etc. Everyone wear a pink sticker on their helmet or hat and save all that money spent on pink this and that and spend it on research.

Carpe Jugulum October 27, 2012 at 9:51 pm

I gave money to LMC and I am convinced it went to pay for some lobbyist who never showed up for work and got her job using a bogus online application. You want to fight cancer? Then send your money to M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, or Sloan Kettering in New York. If you want to buy a hot lunch for the Gigolo, send your money over to LMC.

meanjean October 27, 2012 at 10:21 pm

OR you could shove your money right straight up your ass, Carpe! You are, indeed, a fucking moron.

Frank Pytel October 28, 2012 at 7:17 am

I think you struck jeans Nervulum. Damn.

Have a Great Day!! :)

Frank Pytel


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